We are all capable of much more than we are usually doing with our lives, and coaching is a great tool to help you be and do and experience all you can during your one crack at this life. I help you recognize the great things you already have for which to be thankful, upon which we will start building. Next we will work together to create a crystal clear picture of the life you want - for some people this is the easy part and for some the most challenging, but we will do it! Then, we identify the steps required to bring this vision into reality and create a strategy to make it so. Finally, we speak by phone or video call on a regular basis to help keep you on track. My toolbox is simple... Lots of questions. The occasional suggestion. And healthy, timely doses of STRATEGY, ACCOUNTABILITY AND ENCOURAGEMENT!
What should you do? Are you doing it? You can do it!!
For your part, it will mostly all come down to how you are using your time and to the conversations you are having (or not having) with important people in your life. This can include scheduling, diet, exercise, meditation, conflict resolution, tough love, career planning, sleep strategies, motivation, and so much more. Every coaching client is unique and treated as such. But there are some common threads in all human experience, and chances are I have worked with circumstances similar to yours and can save you years in finding your answers!
(Free! No cost or obligation!)
Thanks to great friend and fellow coach for interviewing me last year for broadcast on her coaching page. I really enjoyed this conversation and I feel it does a good job of capturing my coaching philosophies.